Support APT
Support YOUR Public Theater
Thank you for supporting YOUR Public Theater in the heart of downtown Auburn. Your donation makes all of our events, educational programs and community partnerships possible. Donations enable APT to serve our community better and to fulfill our mission to challenge and educate our community and foster creative growth through shared live performance experiences. Click the button below to make a general donation, or to donate to a specific initiative (Building Renovations, Student Scholarships, and more). Read about other options you have to support APT at the bottom of the page.
Your Contribution In Any Amount Makes A Real Difference!
Auburn Public Theater is a non-profit 501(c)(3) corporation. All donations are tax deductible up to the allowable limit. Please consult your accountant or financial advisor. Auburn Public Theater follows the Donor Bill of Rights. Click HERE to read more.
You can also support us with a donation via PayPal – just scan the QR code below!

If you prefer to donate by check, please mail your check to:
Auburn Public Theater
P.O. Box 771
Auburn, NY 13021
Family Membership
Become a part of our APT family! Your membership makes so much possible, contributing to over 200 performances, 130 film showings & free experiential arts education for youth. Your $80/year Family Membership includes: 1 free popcorn or non-alcoholic drink at any APT produced Cinema event & a 10% discount on live events produced by APT (discount applied to 4 tickets per event).
Individual Membership
For only $40/year you can become a part of our APT family! Your membership makes so much possible, from partnerships for low cost/free partnerships for community events, to free cinema programming for children and the elderly. Your membership includes: 1 free popcorn or non-alcoholic drink at any APT produced Cinema event & a 10% discount on live events produced by APT (discount applied to 2 tickets per event).
Seat Plaque
For a tax-deductible donation of $250, your gift is commemorated with a Seat Plaque engraved with the text of your choice, and affixed to an available chair in our Main Stage. Support Auburn Public Theater today with this lasting commemorative gift.
Sustaining Patron
Become an ambassador of the arts. Sustaining Patrons make a three-year pledge of financial support to Auburn Public Theater at one of three levels. $3000, $2000 or $1000 per year for three years. Special benefits include: your name listed on APT’s website and season program, a Family Membership to APT (10% member discount on live events, 1 free popcorn or non-alcoholic drink to any APT Cinema event), additional Free tickets to our Cinema and Main Stage Events, invitation to an annual Sustaining Patron Appreciation Event and your name inscribed on the Sustaining Patron mural in our lobby. Please call our box office at 315-253-6669 or email us at to learn more.