On a cold, rainy winter night New Jersey native Dana Fuchs belted out a powerful show on the intimate main stage of Auburn’s Public Theater. It was a great event to kick off the 2019 season strong, and proof that blues is indeed, “alive and well”.

Nobody can cover a Otis Redding song like Dana Fuchs. Although her set list was filled with the covers that everybody loves, including ‘Helter Skelter,’ and an impressive acoustic version of ‘Ring of Fire’, the night was also filled with Dana’s own material. Of course, the night wasn’t complete without the wonderful work done by every musician in her band that each had their own spotlight throughout the night.

As temperatures began to plummet across the nation, they finally began to rise the past few days resulting in a mixture of rain and sleet this past Saturday night when Dana graced the stage at Auburn’s Public Theater.

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